exercises in compound storytelling

Monday, December 15, 2008

Frank Rich: Two cheers for Rod Blagojevich

There's an interesting article by Frank Rich in the International Herald-Tribune today titled Two Cheers for Rod Blagojevich. It's mostly about how depressing the current economic situation is, and how welcome a story we understand is.

I'd have to agree with his point: the Blagojevich story is a distraction, but it's unwelcome, not least because a situation like this, where politicians are suddenly expected to know how to discipline one of their own, and provide future protection against more of the same in the future, while reforming the system that made it possible for him to get within a couple of investigations of selling a Senate seat.

Perhaps I'm being cynical, but I have to think that this isn't the only Senate seat to be um nearly sold in the last twenty or so years. Especially when reactions are peppered with remarks that suggest that this is how political business is done in Illinois.

Which suggests to me that we should expect more of the same during the ongoing discussions of economic reform: the business of politicians is to convert money into power and vice versa, and the current economic climate highlights this fact rather than standing in stark contrast to it.


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